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My Past & Present
Well I guess the only place to start is the begining. I was born and raised in Missouri. I moved alot when I was real little but in 2nd grade I moved to Independence. I went to Glendale Grade School And Bridger High, and got some pretty bad grades in both, So it came as no surprise when I Quit School at the begining of my Sophmore Year. Unlike some drop outs, I decided that even though I hated school I needed my Highschool Diploma. Even though it took me 2 years to realize it, I decided that Job Corps was the only way for me. So I signed up and lived on campus for a year and one month, while studying Business Office Technology, I also earned my G.E.D. as well as my High School Diploma.
In my time at Job Corps I found my first Real Love, Jon Lee. What happened is history now, suffice it to say he now lives in New Jersey with his Fiance and I am still here, in misery, and Missouri. I am pursuing a career as a Mental Technician, and hope to take massage therapy classes in the coming year.

Insane Clown Posse
While I dont want a whole lot, i do have specific dreams for my future self and they are as follows:

I hope that I will still be in contact with old friends as well as constantly making new friends, because it is every person you know, who makes you into the person you are.

I hope that I am living comfortably enough to enjoy life, but miserably enough to strive to improve myself and my surroundings.

I hope that I have been blessed with a family of my own, and have built and maintained a loving environment to raise my children in.

I hope that I still try and live each day to the fullest, while stil showing those around me how improtant they are to me.

And last but Not Least, and most of you have probably heard this at some point or another....

I hope that I have obtained a Hum Vee; Gallactic Black With Pearlescent Ghost Flames and a Blue Light Under The chasis!

Other things that could better help you to understand the inner workings of my twisted mind...
I am quite a lover of ICP some would call me a fan,(what?!?!?) I and those who really know me, call me a Juggalette. For reasons unknown I find comfort in their music, and if given the funds, I would most definatly own everything they have ever made, produced, or sang.

Write to me Baby!

ICP website, also reachable by clicking any icp images on my sight
Insane Clown Posse