Karnage Kitty
  Home | About Me | Echo Side (poetry) | Cemetary Girl (pics of me) | Juggalo Family (pics of my Mom and Brother) | Southwest Song (pics of my whole family) | Clown Love (pics of Friends) | Karnage Kitties (Female Friends) | Magic Ninjas (more pics of Friends) | Everybody Rize (guestbook) | Contact page | Links | Hell's Forecast (whats new)  

"Imagine a place that exists beyond, a place that's seldom seen
A place that even the wickedest souls that burned have never been"
"Underneath the shadows of the other side of time
If there is a hell then there must be a behind
You can take me to the ghetto land move everything and back
Take me from the Echo Side and never bring me back"
~Echo Side- Insane Clown Posse

Clown Love

I just wanna Shout out to all my Homiez...

Trish, You have alwasy been one of my best friends, I Love you girl!

Matt, I miss you man!!, Keep in touch will ya?!?!

Other Heather, You have always been like a sister to me, I love you girl!

Physh, Hey man you've become a great friend, and my little brother. I love ya man!

Chris, Hey sweetie, You will always have a special place in my heart, you are such a good friend I love ya!!

Cori, Hey sissy! You have been a wonderful friend, I love you!!

Shey, you have become a treasured friend, you and Joey have a very special place in my life I Love You Girl!

Shaun, you will always be a good friend I Luv Ya man!

Luke, You crazy Little Sh*t!! I luv Ya!

Robert, You have become a wonderful friend, and my big brother lol I Love You Man!!

Jon Lee, well what can I say, I fell in love with you, I agreed to be your wife and spend the rest of my life trying to make you happy, and you lied to me, and cheated on me, and destroyed my spirit as well as my trust in any man, I wish you were here to see how bad you hurt me, to know how I cry at night missing you, & how I see your face on every single guy. I could have made you happy, I would have done anything including die for you, I know this because I feel like I am dieing without you. I love you Jon, and I hate you as well.
What is a juggalo?
A juggalo
That's what it is
Well, fu*k, if I know
What is a juggalo?
I don't know
But I'm down with the clown
And I'm down for life, yo
~What is a Juggalo- Insane Clown Posse

I like my beer cold, my men bold, and Living Life with no regrets

I like lemon drops, tequilla shots, and Marlboro Red Ciggarettes

I like Rap, Pop, Metal, Rock, and some good Ol' Blues in between

I like cool tattoo's, a good long snooze, and I love the color Green

I like tiger prints, altoid mints, and really Big Cat's

I like ICP and to Disagree, And silly Lover's spats.

Hey you know what you could do.... SIGN MY GUEST BOOK!!!!!!

My E-mail

*~*My E-mail*~*