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I haven't gotten pictures of everyone yet, but i will soon lol so if you aren't here, let me know, and send me a picture to put on here. Love Ya'll!!

1 Year old --------------------------------------------------->

Still 1 lol --------------------------------------------------------------->

I'm 3 here, and I am feeding the old family dog

Im 4 here, believe it or not lol, And I am sitting on a fence on the Family farm in Butler, Mo. ---------->

This is my brother and I at my dad's, I was 6 ---------->

I was like 6 or 7 again on the Family Farm

My Daddy took this picture, he's a wonderful Photographer, I was 11 I think

This is me at like 7 or 8 lol wasn't I a little scary ;)

Another one of me at age 1 lol

This is Me, Im 18 here -------------------------->

This one was taken last year, 19 years old

One of My Favorite photos, mom and I look soo happy.