My Mom and My Brother
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These are Pictures of My Mom and My Brother Ryan. I Love You !!!!

<---------- This is Mom and Me at Graduation (Sept. 26, 2002)
I would never have made it without my mom, she was such a driving
force in mylife. I Love You Mom!!!
This is My Brother Ryan and Me at Graduation --------------------->
Ryan has always been a source of encouragement (cleverly disguised as teasing) I Love Ya Bro!
<------------- This is Ryan he was 13 i think when this was taken
This is Evil Shaun Lol, I love this picture!
It just describes his personality (crazy/happy) perfectly!
This is Ryan and Me Chrismas of 98 i think --------------->
<------------ This is Ryan
Yes he was trying to ride a bull. I always admired him for not being afraid to try new things. I have tried to be like him in that aspect.
This is My Mom and Me I wasn't even a year old yet -------------->
I am the one in the swing ;) lol
<---------- This is Ryan and Me 1984, I was one and I think he was 4