My Poetry
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And He Walked Away

Just when I thought I had finally
Gotten him to stay
Once again I realized
That he had already walked away

I felt like i was closer
To knowing the real him
Just when I found him
He walked away again

I miss the times we had shared
The laughter and the tears
But it seems he's walked away
On the present, and future years

I cry at night wishing
That I could know him better
As he walked away again
I knew I'd Love him Forever

My Grave

Losing all control
Can't take much more
My anger begins to rize
I don't know what for

You can't help
So I guess that leaves me
I can't help myself
So I guess I'll never be free

I guess I'm supposed to stay trapped
Inside my own psychotic brain
Where pain is constant
And tears fall like the rain

How much longer can i survive?
This hellish nightmare imprisons me
Tearing through my flesh
And shredding at my psyche

Demons rip away my flesh
Until my soul escapes from within
Leaving me hollow inside
This Demonic prison

Escape is not an option
For I am gaurded by my soul
Laughing as it betrays me
And holds me hostage inside this hole

I spiral even lower
Down inside my grave
As I succumb to evil
I become it's very slave



Icy fingers run down my spine
Searing pain rips through my soul
Smoldering eyes watch from above
As I crash into this bottomless hole

My body writhes in angst
Pain persecutes my mentality
Leaving me in Unreserved agony
Tantalized by reality

Neglected to be noticed
Disregarded once more
Assaulted with questions
Wounded by love's sword

The stench of burning flesh intoxicates me
Grotesque creatures taunt me in masses
Fury rages and boils from within
Silent anguish never passes

Tortured souls call out for saviors
Never to be revealed
The only savior is a monster
Satan himself did weild

Save me! I cry out
Malicious laughter surges higher
From some nameless feind
As he starts another fire

His devilish voice thunders throughout the land
"Saving is out of the question my dear,
for there will be no escape HAHAHA,